news index
Media Update
City of Reno
Reno Police Department
(775) 334-3850
For Immediate Release



Tuesday, February 11, 2025
0346SOUTH: Arrest - GTA @1000 block South Virginia Street

Officers observed an occupied stolen vehicle and conducted a stop. Dennis Cote, DOB 11/30/1968, was arrested on the above charge.

Case: 25-2863

0550NORTH: Battery with Deadly Weapon on Elderly@8000 block Military Road

The victim reported that he was walking in the area when he was approached by the suspect who advised him to get out of his way and then struck him in the head with an unknown object. The victim is currently receiving treatment at a local hospitals. There are no suspects at this time.

Case: 25-2868

1012NORTH: Arrest - Child Abuse @1000 block Helena Ave.

Michael Smith III, DOB 11/10/1992, was arrested on the above charge.

Case: 25-2883

1808SOUTH: Assault With Deadly Weapon, Vehicle@South Virginia & Gentry Streets

The victim was in her car and stopped at a light when the vehicle in front of her reversed and violently struck the front end of her vehicle pushing her vehicle backwards. The suspect vehicle then drove forward and fled. The suspect has been tentatively identified but is still outstanding.

Case: 25-2908

Media Update
City of Reno
Reno Police Department
(775) 334-3850
For Immediate Release



Monday, February 10, 2025
2334CENTRAL: Arrest - Battery on an Officer / DUI / O&R@700 block North Sierra Street

Officers were taking the suspect into custody for DUI when the suspect began to resist and punched them several times. Royale Valeroso, DOB 12/16/1993, was arrested on the above charges.

Case: 25-2860

Media Update
City of Reno
Reno Police Department
(775) 334-3850
For Immediate Release



Thursday, February 6, 2025
2249NORTH: Arrest - Domestic Battery / False Imprisonment / O&R@4000 block Gardella Ave.

Cosette Ehmcke, DOB 2/26/1998, was arrested on the above charges.

Case: 25-2602

Media Update
City of Reno
Reno Police Department
(775) 334-3850
For Immediate Release



Wednesday, February 5, 2025
2108SOUTH: Robbery, Ice Pick @5000 block Meadowood Mall Circle

The victim attempted to stop the suspect from leaving without paying for merchandise when the suspect produced an Ice pick and fled with the merchandise. Total loss is unknown. There is no suspect description at this time.

Case: 25-2541

Media Update
City of Reno
Reno Police Department
(775) 334-3850
For Immediate Release



Tuesday, February 4, 2025
1426SOUTH: Arrest - Battery on a Protected Person / O&R / Poss. of Drug Paraphernalia@5000 block Smithridge Drive

Officers responded to reports of a subject who was running back and forth across a street and brandishing a possible weapon. Officers located the suspect and when they attempted to make contact the suspect tried to pull away and then bit an Officer. Maxwell Hurt-Lewis, DOB 6/19/1998, was arrested on the above charges.

Case: 25-2441

1810NORTH: Arrest - Domestic Battery / Child Abuse @6000 block Enlightenment Drive

Emily Gray, DOB 7/4/1982, was arrested on the above charges.

Case: 25-2454

Media Update
City of Reno
Reno Police Department
(775) 334-3850
For Immediate Release



Friday, January 31, 2025
1131CENTRAL: Arrest - Assault with a Deadly Weapon@2000 Block Dickerson Road

A male was getting into the victim's truck when he was confronted by the yard owner. The suspect then attacked the victim with a railroad spike. Zachariah Greenburg, DOB 5/10/1979 was arrested on the above charge.

Case: 25-2164

1445NORTH: Arrest - Possession of a Short Barrel Shotgun@9000 Block Brightridge Drive

Officers responding to a domestic disturbance observed a male putting a rifle bag in the passenger side of a vehicle as they arrived at the call. After detaining the male, the officers obtained consent from the female, whose car the long gun bag was placed in, to search the vehicle. The officers located a pump-action shotgun in the bag with a 15-3/8" barrel that appeared to have been hacksawed off. Brandon Darcy, DOB 5/4/1997 was arrested on the above charge.

Case: 25-2177

1500SOUTH: Arrest - Robbery Suspect@Kietzke Lane / 2nd Street

An Officer was in the area of Kietzke and 2nd as a suspect fled out of the back service door in possession of goods while being chased by staff flagging down the Officer. The suspect fled from the Officer on foot refusing commands before being taken to the ground. Martin Rosas, DOB 12/15/1994 was arrested on the above charge.

Case: 25-2174

Addt'l Case: 25-1440, 25-1741

1943NORTH: Arrest - Strong Arm Robbery/PCS/O&R - w/UOF@2000 Block Northtowne Lane

Officers responded to a call after loss prevention reported being involved in a physical altercation with a female suspect who was attempting to steal merchandise. Upon arrival, officers developed probable cause for the crimes of robbery and possession of controlled substances. Brandi Crane, AKA Brandi Ohl, DOB 10/19/93 was arrested on the above charges.

Case: 25-2195

2003SOUTH: Arrest - Multiple ADW & Vehicle Burglary@700 Block Smithridge Drive

Officer initially responded regarding a suspect who had been confronted occupying a vehicle he was burglarizing by the owner of the vehicle. While officers responded to that call another call, 25-2198, was reported where a similar suspect was threatening children and the suspect then threatened to stab staff with a knife when confronted and told to leave. Charles Harger, DOB 9/4/1995 was arrested on the above charges.

Case: 25-2200

Addt'l Case: 25-2198