Welcome to the Reno Police Department Victim Services Unit. We proudly serve victims of crime, treating them with respect and dignity while responding to their needs and concerns. We educate victims of crime on their rights and are committed to providing the most professional, empowering advocacy possible while assessing each case on an individual basis.
Victims of violent crime in Nevada have legal rights and protections. These laws also extend to the surviving family members of a homicide victim, or to the parent, guardian, or other relative of a minor, disabled, or incompetent victim. The Reno Police Department wants to ensure you are aware of these rights.
Nevada Revised Statues recognize the following needs and rights of crime victims:
- You have the right to know the status of the case in which you are involved..
- You have the right to be free from intimidation or dissuasion.
- You have the right to know when your impounded property can be released.
- You have the right to receive a witness fee for lawful obedience to a subpoena.
- You have the right to understand the existing victim compensation laws and receive compensation if applicable
- You have the right to a secure waiting area, which is not available to the defendant or his/her family, when you are at court.
- You have the right to be heard at sentencing.
- You have the right to know when the defendant is released from custody before or during trial. (upon written request).
- You have the right to know when the offender is released from prison (upon written request.)
The justice system can be a complicated process leaving you with more questions than answers. You can advocate for your rights and receive the information you request. You can know what is happening to your case. You can give your opinion and share your concerns. You have the right to be heard and informed.
It may be reassuring to know that it will be possible for you to feel that you’ve done everything you can for self-care, recovery, and healing.
Learn more about your rights at www.victimlaw.info
The Victim Services Unit provides services to victims of crimes and/or their families/survivors. They provide information, resources, and support throughout the criminal justice process.
During office hours, please call 775-657-4519 to speak to a victim advocate.
VSU location: 455 East 2nd Street in the Reno Police Department, Main Station
Hours - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday - Friday
Your victim advocate within Law Enforcement will support, protect, and work to maintain your best interests. The victim advocate provides crisis intervention, support, safety planning, immediate basic need assistance, property return, assistance filing compensation forms and referral services.
To speak with a victim advocate, contact the agency at which your case was reported.
Reno Police Department
Victim Services Unit
422 East 2nd St, Reno
Washoe County Sheriff’s Office
Victim Advocate
911 Parr Blvd. Reno
Sparks Police Department
Victim Advocate
1701 East Prater Way, Sparks
Washoe County Juvenile Services/Jan Evans
Victim Services Coordinator
650 Ferrari-McLeod Blvd, Reno
Nevada Department of Corrections – Victim Advocate
The essential services the VSU provides are unique to the situation and individuals. The primary focus is to address the immediate health and safety of the victim. VSU Advocates respond directly to victims immediately after a crime has been committed and will thoroughly assess their needs to provide the appropriate services. These services may include:
Recovery after being the victim of a crime takes both time and the support of others. The VSU is here to help. Victims experience an array of feelings and reactions that are normal and important to the healing process. During many of these traumatic situations the added confusion of dealing with an unfamiliar criminal justice system is introduced. The VSU helps to provide a foundation for victims and their families by offering information and support. We can provide emotional support and practical assistance to crime victims, witnesses, and their family members.
The Victim Services Unit, located in the Detectives unit of the Reno Police Department, provides Advocacy to victims of violent crime. VSU Advocates are connected to victims via law enforcement, criminal and civil justice systems, community organizations and self referrals. Although many times a report has been filed, it is not required to access VSU services.
The following is a list of violent crimes VSU may respond to including a link for additional information and community resources.
Definition: Domestic violence generally is defined as a violent crime committed in the context of an intimate relationship. It is a crime involving the use of power, coercion and violence to control another.
Domestic violence is different from other random crimes because a perpetrator and victim are not strangers. Instead they are intimate partners, family members or parents of common children. This relationship, therefore, binds a victim to his or her perpetrator. For example, the victim may rely on the perpetrator for economic support or child support. Ongoing domestic violence is characterized by a pattern of escalating abuse in which one partner in the relationship controls the other through force, deprivation and/or the threat of deprivation or violence.
Pursuant to NRS 171.1225, the Reno Police Department would like to ensure that you have reasonable means to prevent further abuse by advising you of resources available in the community.
If you've reported your crime to RPD, the officer will provide you with this form, often called the 'VINE form' or 'yellow sheet' as it will be printed on yellow paper.
Definition: Drunk or drugged driving is a crime which can affect a victim physically, emotionally and financially. This crime can affect not only the victim with possible trauma and /or disfigurement, but also victim’s family members in the case of death and the loss of a loved one.
These victims of drunk driving crashes are not hurt accidently, rather it is a result of two choices made by the offender:
- To use alcohol and/or other drugs and
- To get behind the wheel.
Choose the type of Protection Order you need information on.
play_arrowTemporary Protection Order (TPO) Against Domestic Violence
Crime: Domestic Violence
Duration: 30 days (can be extended up to 1 year)
WHERE to Apply: Family Court
WHO can apply: Victim (if age18+) OR Parent/Guardian of child victim
WHAT it offers:
- That the suspect stay away from the victim’s home, school, business, place of employment, or any place the victim/children go regularly.
- That the suspect refrain from contacting (including through electronic means or through 3rd parties), intimidating, threatening, harassing, injuring, or otherwise interfering with the victim, children, pets and any other person including, a member of the family or household of the victim specifically named by the Court. Other provisions as ordered by the court may apply.
play_arrowAfter-Hours Emergency Domestic Violence Order
Crime: Domestic Battery
Duration: 7 days (can be extended)
WHERE to apply: Call 352-5000 immediately if eligibility conditions apply (see How To Apply For A Protection Order)
WHO can apply: Victim (if age18+) OR Parent/Guardian of child victim
WHAT it offers:
- That the suspect stay away from the victim’s home, school, business, place of employment, or any place the victim/children go regularly.
- That the suspect refrain from contacting (including through electronic means or through 3rd parties), intimidating, threatening, harassing, injuring, or otherwise interfering with the victim, children, pets and any other person including, a member of the family or household of the victim specifically named by the Court. Other provisions as ordered by the court may apply.
play_arrowSexual Assault Order*
Crime: Sexual Assault
Duration: 30 days (can be extended up to 1 year)
WHERE to apply: Justice or Family Court*
WHO can apply: Victim (if age18+) OR Parent/Guardian of child victim
WHAT it offers:
- That the suspect stay away from the victim’s home, school, business, place of employment, or any place the victim/children go regularly.
- That the suspect refrain from contacting (including through electronic means or through 3rd parties), intimidating, threatening, harassing, injuring, or otherwise interfering with the victim, children, pets and any other person including, a member of the family or household of the victim specifically named by the Court. Other provisions as ordered by the court may apply.
play_arrowHarm to Minors Order
Crime: Physical or mental injury of non-accidental nature OR Sexual abuse/exploitation
Duration: 30 days (can be extended up to 1 year)
WHERE to apply: Justice Court
WHO can apply: Victim (if age18+) OR Parent/Guardian of child victim
WHAT it offers:
- That the suspect stay away from the victim’s home, school, business, place of employment, or any place the victim/children go regularly.
- That the suspect refrain from contacting (including through electronic means or through 3rd parties), intimidating, threatening, harassing, injuring, or otherwise interfering with the victim, children, pets and any other person including, a member of the family or household of the victim specifically named by the Court. Other provisions as ordered by the court may apply.
play_arrowStalking or Harassment Order
Crime: Stalking or Harassment
Duration: 30 days (can be extended up to 1 year)
WHERE to apply: Justice Court
WHO can apply: Victim (if age18+) OR Parent/Guardian of child victim
WHAT it offers:
- That the suspect stay away from the victim’s home, school, business, place of employment, or any place the victim/children go regularly.
- That the suspect refrain from contacting (including through electronic means or through 3rd parties), intimidating, threatening, harassing, injuring, or otherwise interfering with the victim, children, pets and any other person including, a member of the family or household of the victim specifically named by the Court. Other provisions as ordered by the court may apply.
play_arrowWorkplace Harassment Order
Crime: Harassment in the workplace
Duration: 15 days (can be extended up to 1 year)
WHERE to apply: Justice Court
WHO can apply: Employer OR Employee
WHAT it offers:
- That the suspect stay away from the victim’s home, school, business, place of employment, or any place the victim/children go regularly.
- That the suspect refrain from contacting (including through electronic means or through 3rd parties), intimidating, threatening, harassing, injuring, or otherwise interfering with the victim, children, pets and any other person including, a member of the family or household of the victim specifically named by the Court. Other provisions as ordered by the court may apply.
Court Locations
play_arrowFamily Court - Washoe County Courthouse
One South Sierra Street
Room 308, Third Floor
Reno, NV 89501
(775) 328-3468
Mon.-Thurs. 8AM-12PM & 1PM-5PM
Fri.- 8AM-12PM
play_arrowReno Justice Court
One South Sierra Street
Reno, NV 89501
(775) 325-6501
Mon.-Thurs. 8AM-5PM
play_arrowSparks Justice Court
1675 E. Prater Way
Suite 107
Sparks, NV 89434
Mon.-Thurs. 8AM-12PM & 1:15PM-5PM
Fri.- 7:45AM-12PM
* For a Sexual Assault Order, apply at the Family Court if the victim has a "domestic relationship" (i.e., related by blood, marriage, living together, child in common, or dating) with the suspect. Otherwise, apply at Justice Court.
After-Hours Emergency Domestic Violence Order
The following eligibility conditions MUST be met in order for you to apply:
- The suspect who committed domestic battery has just been arrested, currently in jail.
- It is a weekend, holiday, or after 5PM on a weekday (i.e., the court is closed) at the time that you need to apply for the order.
- Call (775) 352-5000 immediately to speak to a staff member who will guide you through the process
Temporary Protection Order (TPO) Against Domestic Violence
- Fill out and a Protection Order Application in-person at the Family Court
- Interview with the Protection Order Advocate, who will conduct the initial screening of your case.
- Interview with the Court Judge, who decides whether to issue a Protection Order.
All other Protection Orders
- Fill out and submit a Protection Order Application in-person at the Justice Court*
- A Judge will review your application and will either grant or deny the order. The court clerk will notify you of the Judge’s decision.
- If the Protection Order is granted, you must retrieve the order from the Court and submit it to the appropriate Law Enforcement Agency for service.
* For a Sexual Assault Order, whether you are to apply at Family Court vs. Justice Court depends on the victim’s relationship to the suspect. If the victim has a "domestic relationship" (i.e., related by blood, marriage, living together, child in common, or dating) with the suspect, apply at Family Court. If the victim does not have a domestic relationship with the suspect, apply at Justice Court.
What to Bring When Applying
You are NOT required to file a written police report before applying for a Protection Order. There is NO COST associated with obtaining a Protection Order, and an attorney is NOT NECESSARY. The following items aren’t required to obtain a Protection Order. However, if any apply to your situation and you have them available, it is suggested that you bring:
Helpful Tips When Applying
For most protection orders, the process of applying, interviewing, and obtaining the order may take several hours and will require your return at a later time. If possible, make arrangements for child care. When parking, please allow for extra time, and park at meters that allow several hours. It is important to arrive on time for any interviews.
State Bar Lawyer Referral Service:
NV Confidential Address Program:
NV Domestic Violence Hotline:
1-800-500-1556 (TDD) or 1-800-787-3244
Committee to Aid Abused Women:
Safe Embrace:
Reno Police Department Victim Advocates:
775- 333-7789
Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Victim Advocate
Sparks Police Department Victim Advocate:
775- 353-2217
Sexual Assault Support Services, Crisis Call Center:
775-784-8090 or 1-800-273-8255
This document was last updated on 1/12 by Sexual Assault Support Services, Crisis Call Center, (775) 784-8085, crisiscallcenter.org. Court procedures and policies are subject to change, so please contact the courts directly if you have any questions.
The healing process during difficult times can be overwhelming. During a time of crisis, you may need additional support. Below are a few community resources that may be able to assist you.