• Do not open the door to anyone you do not know without verifying their identity.
• If someone wants to use your telephone, offer to make the call yourself while the person waits outside.
• Never let a stranger through a security entrance.
• Do not give any information to “wrong number” callers. Ask, “What number are you calling?”
• Never tell an unknown caller that you are home alone.
• Do not give information to people who call you.
• Hang up immediately if you receive threatening or harassing calls. Do not say anything. If the calls continue, keep a record of the date, time, and content of each call. Then notify the police and the phone company
Install & maintain deadbolt locks on all exterior doors, including garage service doors. Locks should have:
• bolt which extends 1 inch beyond door edge when in locked position
• case-hardened cylinder guard
• tie screws (secures lock onto door) on the inside
Install & maintain security strike plates secured with 3-inch screws on the frames of all exterior doors, including garage service doors.
For door locks within 3 1/2 feet of a window, install a double-cylinder deadbolt or reinforce the window the grillwork, polycarbonate, security storm door etc. (NOTE: City ordinance for multi-unit rental may not allow double-cylinder deadbolt locks.)
Permanently secure basement and garage windows with bars, grillwork, glass block, etc. (NOTE: City ordinance prohibits permanently closing windows in any room used for sleeping.)
Secure overhead garage doors with electric openers, hasps with padlocks or padlocks in door tracks.
Change garage door opener code from standard setting.
Cover garage windows and use blinds and/or curtains for home windows so people cannot see in, especially at night.
Install and maintain highly visible house number on front and rear of home. PRACTICE HOME SECURITY HABITS
Lock your doors and windows at all times. Do not leave windows open unless locked or pinned with maximum window opening of six inches.
Use light timers to make home look occupied when away.
Turn on front light at night to illuminate address number and deter crime.
Eliminate easy opportunities for theft from your yard. Secure grills, bikes, tools and furniture.
Avoid pet doors leading into the garage Trim bushes and trees as to keep the front and side of your home visible from the street or driveway
Install security or “storm doors” on all entrances
Install motion activated flood lighting near entrances.
• Do not open the door to anyone you do not know without verifying their identity.
• If someone wants to use your telephone, offer to make the call yourself while the person waits outside.
• Never let a stranger through a security entrance.
• Do not give any information to “wrong number” callers. Ask, “What number are you calling?”
• Never tell an unknown caller that you are home alone.
• Do not give information to people who call you.
• Hang up immediately if you receive threatening or harassing calls. Do not say anything. If the calls continue, keep a record of the date, time, and content of each call. Then notify the police and the phone company
Install & maintain deadbolt locks on all exterior doors, including garage service doors. Locks should have:
• bolt which extends 1 inch beyond door edge when in locked position
• case-hardened cylinder guard
• tie screws (secures lock onto door) on the inside
Install & maintain security strike plates secured with 3-inch screws on the frames of all exterior doors, including garage service doors.
For door locks within 3 1/2 feet of a window, install a double-cylinder deadbolt or reinforce the window the grillwork, polycarbonate, security storm door etc. (NOTE: City ordinance for multi-unit rental may not allow double-cylinder deadbolt locks.)
Permanently secure basement and garage windows with bars, grillwork, glass block, etc. (NOTE: City ordinance prohibits permanently closing windows in any room used for sleeping.)
Secure overhead garage doors with electric openers, hasps with padlocks or padlocks in door tracks.
Change garage door opener code from standard setting.
Cover garage windows and use blinds and/or curtains for home windows so people cannot see in, especially at night.
Install and maintain highly visible house number on front and rear of home. PRACTICE HOME SECURITY HABITS
Lock your doors and windows at all times. Do not leave windows open unless locked or pinned with maximum window opening of six inches.
Use light timers to make home look occupied when away.
Turn on front light at night to illuminate address number and deter crime.
Eliminate easy opportunities for theft from your yard. Secure grills, bikes, tools and furniture.
Avoid pet doors leading into the garage Trim bushes and trees as to keep the front and side of your home visible from the street or driveway
Install security or “storm doors” on all entrances
Install motion activated flood lighting near entrances.
• https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0005-identity-theft
• Be very careful who you share your social security number with
• Do not carry your social security card in your wallet - keep it in a safe place
• Check your credit report annually for any accounts that may not be yours
• For information on how to safely obtain your credit report, visit https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0155-free-credit-reports
• Read your credit card and bank statements each month - if you see suspicious activity, contact the banking institution immediately
• Never give your credit card number over the phone, unless you made the call and trust the business or person.
• Shred any documents with personal or financial information on them. (don’t just throw them in the trash)
• https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0005-identity-theft
• Be very careful who you share your social security number with
• Do not carry your social security card in your wallet - keep it in a safe place
• Check your credit report annually for any accounts that may not be yours
• For information on how to safely obtain your credit report, visit https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0155-free-credit-reports
• Read your credit card and bank statements each month - if you see suspicious activity, contact the banking institution immediately
• Never give your credit card number over the phone, unless you made the call and trust the business or person.
• Shred any documents with personal or financial information on them. (don’t just throw them in the trash)
1. Call 911 when you need the police, an ambulance, or when there's a fire.
2. Don't open your door to a stranger. If Mom or Dad are home, have them come to the door. If you're home alone, say "Mom/Dad can't come to the door now. Come back later."
3. Don't tell strangers on the phone that Mom or Dad aren't home. Again, just say, "They can't come to the phone."
4. Don't leave doors and windows open or unlocked.
5. Never get close to a car if a stranger asks for help or directions. It is easy for a stranger to pull you into the car. Never hitchhike or take a ride from a stranger.
6. Don't take candy, money, or anything from a stranger.
7. When walking or playing after dark, stay where there are lights.
Talking with your kids about drugs
Preventing drug abuse begins with preventing drug use. Some children as young as in third and fourth grades feel pressured to try drug especially gateway drugs like alcohol, nicotine (tobacco), and marijuana. Research shows that each of these can increase the chance that the use will turn to even more dangerous drugs like crack or other forms of cocaine, and stimulant or depressant pills. The average age of the first use of illicit drugs (including alcohol) is 12 years! Another concern is misuse of over-the-counter or prescription drugs, especially painkillers.
Constructive communication is one of the most effective tools you can use in helping your child avoid drug use. The very act of regular two-way communication shows you care and is the number one preventative practice. Trust your instincts; communicate as soon as you notice anything unusual or suspicious with your child.
Ways to communicate:
• Through "teachable moments"—In contrast to a formal sit-down lecture, use a variety of situations; television, books, movies, websites, newspapers, and local situations. Emphasize alternative choices that could have resulted in a better outcome.
• Face to face, exchanging information and understanding—Be an active listener and let your child tell you what he or she knows about drugs, what his or her own experiences have been, what fears or concerns already exist.
• Calmly and openly — Discuss the facts about drugs. Don't exaggerate. The facts are chilling in and of themselves. Resources like the Anti‐Drug Site (www.theantidrug.com) have information on drugs and the consequences of using them.
• Reasons rather than restrictions—Challenging current friends might lead to defensive or defiant behavior. Instead, rationally explain why you are concerned.
What to communicate:
• The facts about how drugs harm people—especially young people.
Physical harm —depending on the drug, consequences can include hair loss, tooth decay, rapid aging, impaired coordination, etc.
Social harm—becoming alienated from friends and family, and other social groups like sports teams. Educational harm—impaired memory and attention levels, and reduced motivation.
Financial harm— loss of job, promotion, or life and professional
opportunities in the future; the cost of the drug.
Overall harm— Drug use can make a person lose themselves. What makes someone unique is gone in the face of addiction to drugs.
• The fact that you do not find drug use acceptable. Many children say their parents never stated this simple principle. Don't forget to point out that these drugs are against the law.
• The fact that there are many of positive, drug-free alternatives and you will help your child explore them. Show interest in your child and get involved with what they like to do; having a positive adult role model who cares about them will go a long way in giving them a reason to avoid drugs.
1. To memorize their name and address, including city and state, and their phone number (including area code).
2. To never give out their name or address to a stranger. Children should not wear clothing with their name displayed.
3. To use both push-button and cell phones to call 911 and to reach the operator. Pay phones are free when you dial 911. No money is needed.
4. To never go into your home if the door is ajar or a window is broken.
5. How to work your home's door and window locks and to lock them when they are at home alone.
6. That a stranger is someone neither you nor they know well.
7. Not to go into anyone's home without your permission.
8. To avoid walking or playing alone, and to walk or play in well lighted areas.
9. That if they feel they're being followed or if they're frightened, to run home, public place, or trusted neighbor.
10. To tell you if anyone asks them to keep a secret, offers them gifts or money, or asks to take their picture.
11. That they have a right not to let anyone touch them in a way they don't like. They should say "No" and tell an adult they trust.
Another option you might want to consider is having a family "code word."If someone other than a family member is going to pick up your child, that person should repeat the code word before the child agrees to go with him or her.
1. Call 911 when you need the police, an ambulance, or when there's a fire.
2. Don't open your door to a stranger. If Mom or Dad are home, have them come to the door. If you're home alone, say "Mom/Dad can't come to the door now. Come back later."
3. Don't tell strangers on the phone that Mom or Dad aren't home. Again, just say, "They can't come to the phone."
4. Don't leave doors and windows open or unlocked.
5. Never get close to a car if a stranger asks for help or directions. It is easy for a stranger to pull you into the car. Never hitchhike or take a ride from a stranger.
6. Don't take candy, money, or anything from a stranger.
7. When walking or playing after dark, stay where there are lights.
Talking with your kids about drugs
Preventing drug abuse begins with preventing drug use. Some children as young as in third and fourth grades feel pressured to try drug especially gateway drugs like alcohol, nicotine (tobacco), and marijuana. Research shows that each of these can increase the chance that the use will turn to even more dangerous drugs like crack or other forms of cocaine, and stimulant or depressant pills. The average age of the first use of illicit drugs (including alcohol) is 12 years! Another concern is misuse of over-the-counter or prescription drugs, especially painkillers.
Constructive communication is one of the most effective tools you can use in helping your child avoid drug use. The very act of regular two-way communication shows you care and is the number one preventative practice. Trust your instincts; communicate as soon as you notice anything unusual or suspicious with your child.
Ways to communicate:
• Through "teachable moments"—In contrast to a formal sit-down lecture, use a variety of situations; television, books, movies, websites, newspapers, and local situations. Emphasize alternative choices that could have resulted in a better outcome.
• Face to face, exchanging information and understanding—Be an active listener and let your child tell you what he or she knows about drugs, what his or her own experiences have been, what fears or concerns already exist.
• Calmly and openly — Discuss the facts about drugs. Don't exaggerate. The facts are chilling in and of themselves. Resources like the Anti‐Drug Site (www.theantidrug.com) have information on drugs and the consequences of using them.
• Reasons rather than restrictions—Challenging current friends might lead to defensive or defiant behavior. Instead, rationally explain why you are concerned.
What to communicate:
• The facts about how drugs harm people—especially young people.
Physical harm —depending on the drug, consequences can include hair loss, tooth decay, rapid aging, impaired coordination, etc.
Social harm—becoming alienated from friends and family, and other social groups like sports teams. Educational harm—impaired memory and attention levels, and reduced motivation.
Financial harm— loss of job, promotion, or life and professional
opportunities in the future; the cost of the drug.
Overall harm— Drug use can make a person lose themselves. What makes someone unique is gone in the face of addiction to drugs.
• The fact that you do not find drug use acceptable. Many children say their parents never stated this simple principle. Don't forget to point out that these drugs are against the law.
• The fact that there are many of positive, drug-free alternatives and you will help your child explore them. Show interest in your child and get involved with what they like to do; having a positive adult role model who cares about them will go a long way in giving them a reason to avoid drugs.
1. To memorize their name and address, including city and state, and their phone number (including area code).
2. To never give out their name or address to a stranger. Children should not wear clothing with their name displayed.
3. To use both push-button and cell phones to call 911 and to reach the operator. Pay phones are free when you dial 911. No money is needed.
4. To never go into your home if the door is ajar or a window is broken.
5. How to work your home's door and window locks and to lock them when they are at home alone.
6. That a stranger is someone neither you nor they know well.
7. Not to go into anyone's home without your permission.
8. To avoid walking or playing alone, and to walk or play in well lighted areas.
9. That if they feel they're being followed or if they're frightened, to run home, public place, or trusted neighbor.
10. To tell you if anyone asks them to keep a secret, offers them gifts or money, or asks to take their picture.
11. That they have a right not to let anyone touch them in a way they don't like. They should say "No" and tell an adult they trust.
Another option you might want to consider is having a family "code word."If someone other than a family member is going to pick up your child, that person should repeat the code word before the child agrees to go with him or her.
• Drive with car doors locked and windows closed.
• Keep your wallet, purse, and valuables out of view even when driving. Do not leave them next to you on the seat.
• If you see another motorist in trouble, do not stop. Call 911 for assistance.
• Park in well-lit areas. Look around before you get out of your car.
• Put valuables and packages in the trunk or out of sight before you arrive at your destination.
• Always lock the doors, no matter how soon you plan to return.
• When returning to your car, have the door key in hand. Look inside before you unlock the door and get in.
• If you are being followed while driving, go to the closest police or drive to an open business or gas station where there are other people. Do not drive home or pull over to the side of the street.
• Drive with car doors locked and windows closed.
• Keep your wallet, purse, and valuables out of view even when driving. Do not leave them next to you on the seat.
• If you see another motorist in trouble, do not stop. Call 911 for assistance.
• Park in well-lit areas. Look around before you get out of your car.
• Put valuables and packages in the trunk or out of sight before you arrive at your destination.
• Always lock the doors, no matter how soon you plan to return.
• When returning to your car, have the door key in hand. Look inside before you unlock the door and get in.
• If you are being followed while driving, go to the closest police or drive to an open business or gas station where there are other people. Do not drive home or pull over to the side of the street.
• Don’t share your passwords with people you don’t know
• Choose good passwords that are strong (uppercase,lowercase,numbers,symbols)
• Do not click on links you do not recognize/or were not expecting
• Make social media accounts private
• Do not give your debit card PIN to anyone- keep it private
• Never send money to someone you’ve only communicated with via phone and internet
• Consider all emails asking for personal information as suspicious
• Only download files from trusted sources
• Be wary of people you meet online - it is easy for people to pretend to be someone else
• Be careful of what you post - you may share more than you intend to
• Always log out of accounts - especially on computers that aren’t yours
• Don't immediately assume what you read online is true
• Don’t share your passwords with people you don’t know
• Choose good passwords that are strong (uppercase,lowercase,numbers,symbols)
• Do not click on links you do not recognize/or were not expecting
• Make social media accounts private
• Do not give your debit card PIN to anyone- keep it private
• Never send money to someone you’ve only communicated with via phone and internet
• Consider all emails asking for personal information as suspicious
• Only download files from trusted sources
• Be wary of people you meet online - it is easy for people to pretend to be someone else
• Be careful of what you post - you may share more than you intend to
• Always log out of accounts - especially on computers that aren’t yours
• Don't immediately assume what you read online is true
Do not leave your vehicle title in the car. Too often a car thief is pulled over and gets away from the police because he or she can produce the auto registration.
Do not leave your vehicle title in the car. Too often a car thief is pulled over and gets away from the police because he or she can produce the auto registration.
Keep bicycles locked any time they are unattended with a good "U" type lock. Second choice would be a good case-hardened padlock and cable. Be sure the "U" lock or cable goes through the front wheel, rear wheel and the frame, and secure it to a fixed object.
Check the lock by pulling on it to make sure it is secure.
Use an engraver to place an identifying mark on unpainted major bicycle components.
Be sure to retain all evidence of purchase, including the serial number.
Be able to identify the bicycle. not only by its color, but also by its features.
Have one or more close up color photographs of the bicycle on hand.
Register the bicycle in the Department of Public Safety and Police or County Police registration program.
Never loan your bicycle or other property to strangers.
Try to avoid parking a bicycle in a deserted or poorly lit area.
Keep bicycles locked any time they are unattended with a good "U" type lock. Second choice would be a good case-hardened padlock and cable. Be sure the "U" lock or cable goes through the front wheel, rear wheel and the frame, and secure it to a fixed object.
Check the lock by pulling on it to make sure it is secure.
Use an engraver to place an identifying mark on unpainted major bicycle components.
Be sure to retain all evidence of purchase, including the serial number.
Be able to identify the bicycle. not only by its color, but also by its features.
Have one or more close up color photographs of the bicycle on hand.
Register the bicycle in the Department of Public Safety and Police or County Police registration program.
Never loan your bicycle or other property to strangers.
Try to avoid parking a bicycle in a deserted or poorly lit area.
Don't become complacent. Be aware! Be attentive.
Don't showcase your office.
Close and lock your office when it is not occupied. It only takes seconds for a thief to notice an unoccupied office, walk in and put something in a book bag.
Lock your desk, file cabinet, locker, etc.
Don't leave your purse in that last or bottom drawer of your desk (thieves know it's there).
Don't become complacent. Be aware! Be attentive.
Don't showcase your office.
Close and lock your office when it is not occupied. It only takes seconds for a thief to notice an unoccupied office, walk in and put something in a book bag.
Lock your desk, file cabinet, locker, etc.
Don't leave your purse in that last or bottom drawer of your desk (thieves know it's there).
Plan and use the safest and most direct route.
• Choose well-lit streets at night.
• Stay alert to your surroundings; look confident and purposeful.
• Become familiar with businesses that are open late.
• If you feel uneasy, go directly to a place where there are other people.
• Walk with a friend if possible, particularly at night.
• Keep your money in a secure place close to your person.
• Carry your keys in your hand.
If you are being followed by someone in a car: Turn around and walk away. Try to obtain the license plate number and a description of the car.
If you are being followed by someone on foot: Turn around to let the person know you see them. Immediately cross the street and walk or run toward a place where there is likely to be other people.
In cases involving verbal harassment: Ignore it and walk away
Plan and use the safest and most direct route.
• Choose well-lit streets at night.
• Stay alert to your surroundings; look confident and purposeful.
• Become familiar with businesses that are open late.
• If you feel uneasy, go directly to a place where there are other people.
• Walk with a friend if possible, particularly at night.
• Keep your money in a secure place close to your person.
• Carry your keys in your hand.
If you are being followed by someone in a car: Turn around and walk away. Try to obtain the license plate number and a description of the car.
If you are being followed by someone on foot: Turn around to let the person know you see them. Immediately cross the street and walk or run toward a place where there is likely to be other people.
In cases involving verbal harassment: Ignore it and walk away
Let someone know where you will be working and when you anticipate returning home. Make sure your family and friends know the work number where you can be reached. Call when you reach your workstation and once again just before leaving to go home.
A portable cellular phone is highly recommended. They are effective in emergency situations to give instant access to emergency services.
Carry a portable, battery-powered high decibel alarm device or a loud whistle.
Carry a small pocket flashlight in your purse or on a key ring, and try to park in well lighted areas and walk along lit walkways.
Carry your keys and access cards in your hand when you are approaching the appropriate doors, keeping them readily available. Make sure locked doors close and lock behind you.
Keep your workstation or office locked after hours.
When returning to your vehicle, watch for suspicious persons nearby and have your keys in your hand. Check the interior of your vehicle before getting in.
Let someone know where you will be working and when you anticipate returning home. Make sure your family and friends know the work number where you can be reached. Call when you reach your workstation and once again just before leaving to go home.
A portable cellular phone is highly recommended. They are effective in emergency situations to give instant access to emergency services.
Carry a portable, battery-powered high decibel alarm device or a loud whistle.
Carry a small pocket flashlight in your purse or on a key ring, and try to park in well lighted areas and walk along lit walkways.
Carry your keys and access cards in your hand when you are approaching the appropriate doors, keeping them readily available. Make sure locked doors close and lock behind you.
Keep your workstation or office locked after hours.
When returning to your vehicle, watch for suspicious persons nearby and have your keys in your hand. Check the interior of your vehicle before getting in.
Be prepared to physically and psychologically protect yourself. A good way to prepare is to think ahead. Consider taking a personal safety workshop. There is no right or wrong way to react. Every situation is different. The best response depends on a combination of factors such as the location, the assailant, presence of weapons, your personal responses, etc.
Always evaluate your resources and options. Continue to assess a situation as it is occurring. If the first strategy chosen is not working, try another.
As always, 911 is the number to call for Reno Police response. Call to report situations requiring a police officer at the scene, to report a crime in progress, or when you witness suspicious activity (Examples include alarms, shots fired, the sound of breaking glass, shouts for help, or an unfamiliar person carrying items from a house.)
Above all, trust yourself. The single most effective defense is your own judgment. Rely on it to choose what you think is the best response for you. Here are some options: Run, Verbally assert yourself, Physically resist or fight, Stall, Comply, Scream to attract attention, Distract or divert the the attacker and always call 911 if appropriate.
Be prepared to physically and psychologically protect yourself. A good way to prepare is to think ahead. Consider taking a personal safety workshop. There is no right or wrong way to react. Every situation is different. The best response depends on a combination of factors such as the location, the assailant, presence of weapons, your personal responses, etc.
Always evaluate your resources and options. Continue to assess a situation as it is occurring. If the first strategy chosen is not working, try another.
As always, 911 is the number to call for Reno Police response. Call to report situations requiring a police officer at the scene, to report a crime in progress, or when you witness suspicious activity (Examples include alarms, shots fired, the sound of breaking glass, shouts for help, or an unfamiliar person carrying items from a house.)
Above all, trust yourself. The single most effective defense is your own judgment. Rely on it to choose what you think is the best response for you. Here are some options: Run, Verbally assert yourself, Physically resist or fight, Stall, Comply, Scream to attract attention, Distract or divert the the attacker and always call 911 if appropriate.