In 2017 Officer JJ Phoenix from the Reno Police Department created the Crime Free Hotel & Motel Program utilizing similar principles to address problems within the hotel & motel community.
The goal for both programs are to reduce police calls for service, create a stable & safe environment for guests, tenants and property owners in the city of Reno, Nevada.
The Crime Free Multi-Housing & Hotel – Motel Programs are a state-of-the-art, crime prevention program designed to reduce crime upon properties. This program was successfully founded by Tim Zhering of the Mesa Arizona Police Department in 1992. The program has spread to nearly 2,000 cities in 48 U.S. States, 5 Canadian Provinces, England, Nigeria, and Puerto Rico.
The program consists of three phases that must be completed under the supervision of the local police department. Property managers can become individually certified after completing training in each phase and the property becomes certified upon successful completion of all three phases. The anticipated benefits are reduced police calls for service, a more stable resident base, and reduced exposure to civil liability.
The mission of the Reno Police Crime Free program is to dedicate Community Action Officers to establish a partnership with property owners & managers to improve the quality of life for citizens that reside in any form of commercial property, such as hotels, motels, apartment properties through the use of local and other resource agencies, using civil and criminal law to facilitate effective and lasting solutions.
The Reno Police Department has two upcoming training sessions:
Wednesday, May 3rd and Thursday, May 4th, 2023, from 8am to 4pm. Location TBA. Please sign up with Officer Reed at REEDC@reno.gov, or call 775-326-6377.
The benefits of joining the Crime Free Program include:
A more stable resident base
Increase demand for rental units, and a reputation for active management
Lower maintenance and repair costs
Increased property values
Improved personal safety for residents, landlords, and property managers
Partnership with the Reno Police Department
Crime Prevention Tips
Criminals are looking for passive front desk clerks and property managers. Don’t be that person, be assertive & confident.
Crime Prevention is a shared responsibility. It’s not only a police problem, it’s a community problem. Help us to help you.
Proactive property management deters 50% of crime.
Set clear and understandable rules for your property.
Policy & Rules must be enforced.
Careful screening at the front desk. Deterring a potential problem before it starts saves one time and money!
Encourage employees to get involved and report criminal behavior.
A thorough employee screening and background check. Don’t just hire anyone for the job.
Educate your guests & tenants to support your efforts to be crime free!
Resource List
Mobile Outreach Safety Team 775-501-5310
Child Protective Services 775-785-8600
Aging & Disability Services 775-687-0800
Elder Protective Services 1-888-729-0571
Reno Justice Court Civil Section for Evictions 775-325-6501
Reno Police non-emergency 775-334-2677
Reno Police detectives section 775-334-2115
Veterans Outreach Center 775-323-1294
Veterans Resource Center 775-284-8387
Call the Reno Police Department Community Action Officer Office for more information about this or to sign up for a class at 775-657-4543.